VIII Congress GNB 2023: deadline postponed to 29th January 2023
17.01 2023
The GNB Congress, held on biannual base since 2008, is the melting pot of biomedical research and clinical end-users fully inserted in the framework of the most advanced international research in Biomedical engineering, which combines the engineering background with the clinical one. The GNB Congress provides an overview of recent activities and breakthrough research in the field and aims at involving all members of the scientific and industrial communities.
The GNB 2023 will be held in Padova from 21 to 23 June 2023
For more information and abstract submission: http://gnb2023.it/
Important dates
- December 1st, 2022: Paper submission opens
January 17th, 2023January 29th, 2023: Paper submission deadline- March 31st, 2023: Notification of acceptance
- April 15th, 2023: Submission of revised contributions
- April 15th, 2023: Early bird deadline
- May 15th, 2023: Final program available
- June 21st, 2023: GNB2023 starts!