Postdoctoral position available at the University of Genoa on Virtual training for sensorimotor impairments
assegno di ricerca // Bioingegneria
17.11 2023
A two-year Research Assistant position on “Development of Virtual Training systems for Practicing Challenging Situations in Fragile Subjects.” is available at the University of Genoa, Bioengineering Group, starting January 2nd, 2024.
The ideal applicant should have a MSc degree in Computer Science, Information and Communication Technology, Robotics, or Bioengineering. They would have a solid background in computer programming and perceptual rendering techniques: Experience in Unreal and/or Unity; Python, C# programming; VR/AR/XR experience; A knack for writing clean, readable, and easily maintainable code.
Although not mandatory, a PhD degree would be an add-on.
Applicants should demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in English both orally and in writing.
The research is framed within a broader project on *Inclusive Interaction* that aims to develop solutions that improve the level of engagement and quality of interaction among individuals and with the urban context, focusing on in-depth analysis of the interaction needs of abled and impaired individuals (e.g. sensing, motor, and/or cognitive disorders).
Annual gross salary € 23.250,00.
The selected candidate will work in a stimulating research environment, with excellent opportunities for interactions and training, within several National and International multi-year projects, also in collaboration with local companies and the Italian Institute of Technology.
Perceptual and Interaction labs of the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering (DIBRIS) of the University of Genova (https://dibris.unige.it/en) are equipped by cutting-edge technology for 3D rendering and behavioral experiments: 3D monitors, a 3D VPixx video projector, a 3D PluraView beam-splitter display, eye trackers (both wearable and bench-mounted), HMDs (HTC Vive, Meta Oculus Quest Pro).
The labs also rely on a mechanical and electronic departmental workshop facility for the design and the implementation of electronic and mechatronic systems, 3D printing, and fast prototyping.
Applications (deadline: December 6th, 2023, 12pm (MIDDAY), CET)
Applications can be made online at the following link
The call refers to the Research Program n.10 in the Call DR 5288 of 6.11.2023
Do not hesitate to contact me at the address andrea.canessa@unige.it and/or silvio.sabatini@unige.it for additional information and instructions for applying.
The position involves no formal teaching (unless the candidate wants to). It does involve, however, lab mentoring.
The salary – is rather competitive, considering the lower cost of living in Italy compared to other Countries. Also note tax incentives for researchers residing abroad who move to Italy to conduct their research. Check at
https://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/portale/web/english/nse/individuals/tax-incentives-for-attracting-human-capital-in-italy if you are eligible.
Best regards,
Andrea Canessa