Postdoc/Postgrad Positions Available – University of Brescia
assegno di ricerca // Bioingegneria
22.06 2023
Two postdoc/postgrad positions are available at the University of Brescia on the analysis of the interactions between motor control and cognitive overload in the use of occupational exoskeletons.
In particular we are looking for candidates for working on the project “Una piattaforma di valutazione ergonomica “on-field” basata su neurotecnologie per l’analisi integrata degli effetti sul programma motorio e sulle abilità cognitive associati all’utilizzo di esoscheletri nella movimentazione manuale nel contesto dell’Industria 4.0” (INAIL – BRIC 2022):
– 22 months open position (junior profile) with overall gross salary of € 35.506,24 – Activities are mainly focused on the analysis of cognitive load and motor learning during the use of exoskeletons as assistance solutions in the manual handling of loads; here is the link to apply: https://www.unibs.it/it/ateneo/lavora-con-noi/bandi-e-gare/dipartimento-di-ingegneria-dellinformazione-bando-n-1-assegno-di-ricerca-responsabile-scientifico-6
– 22 months open position (more experienced profile) with overall gross salary of € 41.492,00 – Activities are mainly focused on the ergonomic and biomechanical analysis associated with the use of exoskeletons as assistance solutions in the manual handling of loads. Here is the link to apply: https://www.unibs.it/it/ateneo/lavora-con-noi/bandi-e-gare/dipartimento-di-ingegneria-dellinformazione-bando-n-1-assegno-di-ricerca-responsabile-scientifico-5
Deadline for both is June 30th, 2023.
Don’t hesitate to contact Nicola Francesco Lopomo (nicola.lopomoa@unibs.it) for additional information.