Postdoc/Postgrad Position – University of Brescia
assegno di ricerca // Bioingegneria
24.07 2023
One postdoc/postgrad position is available at the University of Brescia on the topic “Realization of technological demonstrators and characterization of wearable sensors developed using advanced printed electronics techniques”.
In particular this is a 12-months open position with overall gross salary of € 19.367,04. Activities are mainly aiming at the realization of technological demonstrators and at the characterization of wearable sensors developed by means of advanced techniques of printed electronics, which are able to transduce physiological signals characteristic of human biology, such as electrocardiogram, electromyogram, electrodermal activity, etc. to be able to relate to the conditions of fatigue, load and stress in a context of light mobility and occupational one.
Here is the link to apply: https://www.unibs.it/it/ateneo/lavora-con-noi/bandi-e-gare/dipartimento-di-ingegneria-dellinformazione-bando-n-1-assegno-di-ricerca-responsabile-scientifico-7
Deadline is July 28th, 2023.
Don’t hesitate to contact Nicola Francesco Lopomo (nicola.lopomo@unibs.it) for additional information.
Tipo di bando: assegno di ricerca
Settore del bando: Bioingegneria
Data di chiusura: 28.07.2023
Sito web: UniBS - Assegni