Post-doc on a medical image analysis project at Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy.
Post dottorato // Bioingegneria
02.02 2023
We are looking for a motivated person to work as a post-doc on a medical image analysis project at Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy.
The project, in collaboration with the European Institute of Oncology (Milan) and Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Cagliari, aims at using CT scans and artificial intelligence to predict the therapeutic outcomes (both pharmacological and surgical) for gynecological cancer patients.
Required qualifications and background:
-PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Vision, Data Science, Medical Physics, or related field, with emphasis on medical image analysis and artificial intelligence (both machine learning and deep learning)
-Proved publication track record (minimum Scopus H-index equal to 7)
-Younger than 40 years old
Payscale at postdoc level depending on the candidate’s experience.
We offer flexible working time and a combination of local/remote working schemes.
No tenure-track academic position is linked to this job offer.
Position duration is 24 months.
To apply for this position, or for any additional information, email to p.zaffino@unicz.it
The deadline for applications is March 10th.
Paolo Zaffino.