PhD position Bioengineering and Robotics | ETT S.p.A. & PSPC Labs Genoa, ITALY
04.07 2023
Applications are invited for one full-time *industrial* PhD studentship for a period of 3 years, jointly at ETT S.p.A. https://ettsolutions.com/ and at the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering (DIBRIS), University of Genoa, Italy.
The position will start on Nov 1st, 2023 on the following research project:
*Pass-through vision systems: continuous perceptual calibration strategies in augmented and impoverished reality*
According to the implemented see-through paradigm, augmented reality (AR) head mounted displays (HMDs) can be classified as video pass-through (VPT) or HMD optical see-through (OST). In standard OST-HMD, direct vision of the real (3D) environment is augmented through the projection of artificially generated contents on semitransparent displays in front of the user’s eyes. Conversely, in VPT-HMD vision of the environment is mediated by one or two external cameras, which are anchored to the headset. The acquired images are coherently merged with additional VR contents and eventually rendered in the head mounted displays. Several psychophysical studies have analyzed the undesired perceptual effects of possible incoherencies in focus/accommodation cues, as well as of re-mapping of the different fields of view of real and virtual cameras, which might generate distorted perception of depth, visual fatigue and discomfort due to vergence-accommodation conflicts, and degradation in oculomotor response. The proposed research aims to develop perceptual calibration procedures derived from geometric models and from the characteristics of the human visual system to predict perceptual errors during the use of HMDs in pass-through mode and to determine perceptually correct visualization parameters. The research topic grounds on the results of a recent collaboration with ETT S.p.A., under the regional project REALTER (https://realter-project.eu/) that evidenced potentiality and limitations of the use of VPD-HMDs as medical assessment and assistive technologies.
The activity envisages: (1) the definition of a standard procedure for the functional characterization of a 3D viewer (in video see-through mode), (2) the development of automatic correction procedures which allow for the elimination of optical distortions and perceptual alterations with respect to an optical see-through theoretical model.
The research will be conducted both at ETT and at the Bioengineering/PSPC labs of DIBRIS.
Applicants are expected to: (1) have a Master’s degree in Bioengineering, Computer Science, Physics or related disciplines, (2) have a keen interest in Vision Science and in Augmented Reality, (3) have good programming skills in at least one language (MATLAB, C/C++, Python, C#), (4) work well in group problem solving situations, (5) have intermediate communication skills (oral and written in English). Experience in Unity 3D is a plus.
Prospective students, please contacts:
silvio.sabatini@unige.it, antonio.novellino@ettsolutions.com
providing your CV and qualifications, the name and contact details of two references, and a description of your research interests.
Online application is possible till *July 10th , 2023 (12:00 a.m. CET)*
Full details on the call and the application procedure are available at:
Tipo di bando: Dottorato
Settore del bando: Bioingegneria
Data di chiusura: 10.07.2023
Sito web: DIBRIS - University of Genoa