Post dottorato // Bioingegneria
27.10 2020
Scientific Responsible:
Prof. Valeria Chiono
Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy (Bioengineering Group).
We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced postdoc fellow for joining BIORECAR project team working in the “Design of injectable hydrogels for direct cell reprogramming in cardiac regeneration” – Ref. 236/2020-AR – ING-IND/34 – INDUSTRIAL BIOENGINEERING .
The research activity consists of the preparation of an injectable hydrogel for the release of agents in the regeneration of infarcted heart tissue by transdifferentiation of cardiac fibroblasts into cardiomyocytes. The hydrogel will have biomimetic mechanical and chemical characteristics respect to the cardiac extracellular matrix and will allow the adhesion by cardiac fibroblasts. The candidate will characterize the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the hydrogel, and its ability to recruit human cardiac fibroblasts, supporting their adhesion. In collaboration with BIORECAR project team, specific polypeptides and nanoparticles loaded with oligonucleotides (prepared by the other project team members) will be encapsulated into the hydrogel and their release will be characterized. The research project requires team-working ability: the activity is at the interface of other research activities carried out by the research group.
Contract duration: initial 6 months, with possible extension of further 12 months.
Starting Date: 16 January 2021
Application deadline: 25 November 2020
For information: valeria.chiono@polito.it
Tipo di bando: Post dottorato
Settore del bando: Bioingegneria
Data di chiusura: 25.11.2020
Sito web: Sito bando