Post dottorato // Bioingegneria
20.11 2023
A Researcher position is now open at the IBF “Istituto di Biofisica” of the CNR in Palermo in collaboration with the University of Sassari within the EBRAINS-Italy PNRR project (http://ebrains-italy.eu/) on the topic “Development and simulation of neural networks of the human hippocampus and related visualization of neural activity in mixed reality systems.” In particular this is a 12-months open position for a third Level Researcher at CNR with overall gross salary of € 31.539,57.
The research activity will encompass the development of a computational model of the Human Hippocampus using the simulation software NEST (https://www.nest-simulator.org/) with its PYTHON API to be run on the CINECA HPC facilities. The model is going to be built starting from experimental data. A large part of the development will include methods to configure and visualize the neural network activity in Mixed Reality devices using the software UNITY 3D and related low level pro