Call for expressions of interest for a Post-Doc position at Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori IUSS – Pavia

Call for expressions of interest for a two-year Post-Doc position at the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori IUSS, Pavia. The recently founded FLexible biOelectronics and Wearable devices (FLOW) Lab is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher for activities related to the PRIN-PNRR project “ANALYSER – AN orgAnic muLti-functional sYStem for the bioelectrochemical characterization of cellular assEmblies in vitRo”, a highly multidisciplinary project focused on the developing of an innovative sensorised platform based on flexible and low-cost organic devices for the thorough analysis of cell cultures.

The ideal candidate should have solid experience in the microfabrication of electronic devices and the characterization of chemical and/or physical sensors. Skills in cell cultures maintenance, inkjet printing, and materials technology are also desirable.

For more info and informal expression of interest, contact (please provide a detailed CV).

A call for formal applications will be opened in December 2023.

Tipo di bando: Post dottorato

Settore del bando: Bioingegneria

Data di chiusura: 17.11.2023

Sito web: sito bando