Call for expression of interest for an 18 month-Post Doc position in Bioengineering at the University of Bari.

Call for expression of interest for an 18 month-Post Doc position in Bioengineering at the University of Bari (Department of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Environment). The University seeks for a highly motivated professional to perform multidisciplinary, cutting-edge research in the field of retinal tissue engineering based on two-photon microfabricated scaffolds. The research will be performed in the framework of PRIN PNRR 2022 “Fighting blindness with two photon polymerization of wet adhesive, biomimetic scaffolds for neurosensory REtina-retinal Pigment epitheliAl Interface Regeneration-REPAIR” project, and in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Bari (Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management) since December 2023.

The ideal candidate is expected to have a broad background in microfabrication methods, cell culture, physiology and confocal microscopy. Competences in computational modelling and materials characterization are also desirable.

Doctoral students are encouraged to express their interest with the indication of the presumed date for Ph.D. defense.

Enquiries and expressions of interest (with full CV) can be sent to the project Coordinator:

Formal call for applications will be published in December 2023.

Tipo di bando: Post dottorato

Settore del bando: Bioingegneria