Call for a Post-Doc position at University of Bologna

Call a one-year Post-Doc position at the Department of Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna. The Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Electrochemistry is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher for activities related to the PRIN-PNRR project “ANALYSER – AN orgAnic muLti-functional sYStem for the bioelectrochemical characterization of cellular assEmblies in vitRo”, a highly multidisciplinary project focused on the developing of an innovative sensorised platform based on flexible and low-cost organic devices for the thorough analysis of cell cultures.

The ideal candidate should have solid experience in electrochemistry, in analytical chemistry and/or in the characterization of sensors. Skills in cell cultures, field effect devices, and materials technology are also desirable.

The link of the selection is:

For more information, please contact Prof. Isacco Gualandi ( )

Tipo di bando: assegno di ricerca

Settore del bando: Altro