Assegno di Ricerca- Istituto di Neuroscienze CNR, Padova

A one-year pre- or post-doctoral fellowship (“assegno di ricerca”) is available at the National Research Council in Padova (Corso Stati Uniti, 4), based on PNRR funding in the “In Silico Medicine & Omics Data” project of ICSC – Italian Research Center on High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing. The fellow will work under my supervision within the Mathematical Modeling group and in close collaboration with a PhD student.

The fellow will work on the analysis of quality-controlled omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics), with the objective of capturing their links with longitudinal progression of the main mechanisms of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

The fellow will work within a European consortium, DIRECT, working on the identification and validation of important biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration and treatment response. The consortium is made of scientists from both research institutions and pharmaceutical companies, and offers an interdisciplinary and formative environment.

A Ph.D., or Master Degree plus at least three years research experience, is beneficial but not required. Applicants should possess a good scientific background in statistics and bioinformatics and the willingness to discuss results within a pathophysiology and biology framework. Other important qualities of the appointee will be motivation, independence, critical thinking and precision.

Interested people can write me an email (, while those knowing potential candidates can forward them this message.

Tipo di bando: assegno di ricerca

Settore del bando: Bioingegneria