1 PhD position in bio-hybrid machine opened at the University of Cagliari
07.07 2023
In the framework of the Horizon Europe project “BioMeld”, one PhD student position has been funded for the PhD Programme in Electronics and Computer Science (DRIEI) at the University of Cagliari (responsible: Dr. Stefano Lai).
BioMeld is a multi-disciplinary project involving several universities and companies in Europe and UK. The goal of the project is to establish best practices for the development of soft robotic devices for biomedical applications, by integrating simulation tools, fabrication facilities, validation in representative scenario and data analysis in an iterative and incremental process.
The research activity of the PhD candidate will be fully devoted to UniCA’s tasks in the BioMeld project, with particular focus on the design, fabrication and testing of flexible devices by means of large are processes, including chemical-vapor deposition and inkjet printing. This activity will be carried out in strict collaboration with the partner of the projects for the integration of such flexible devices into bio-hybrid machines (e.g., venous catheters) for a continous monitoring of mechanical performances.
More details on BioMeld are available at the project’s website: https://biomeld.eu/
Link to the call for application: https://www.unica.it/unica/it/studenti_s01_ss05.page
Tipo di bando: Dottorato
Settore del bando: Bioingegneria
Data di chiusura: 24.07.2023
Sito web: Università degli Studi di Cagliari - Dottorati di Ricerca