Talks and Hands-on sessions
In field signal processing in running (Bergamini E., UNIROMA4):
In the digital era, wearable sensors for motion analysis are pervading the field of sports. Sports sensors are often driven by market forces rather than by actual user needs. In this scenario, an in-depth understanding of the information that can be retrieved by this technology is of the utmost importance. As a paradigmatic case, signals measured by inertial sensors during running will be analysed, and data processing techniques will be presented to extract information related to the risk of injury in this context.
Biomechanical analysis of foot strike patterns with wearable sensors in running (Fantozzi S., UNIBO)
Running, being the sport activity that has undergone the most extensive research and enjoys the highest level of popularity, has been selected as the prime example for in-field analysis of signal processing and feature extraction. The attention is focused on the identification and the biomechanical comparison of different foot strike patterns due to their possible close relationship with running-related injuries. An overview on laboratory-based and wearable inertial sensors assessment, both in time and frequency domain, is given.
Extraction of muscle synergies in sport (Agostini V., POLITO)
The study of muscle synergies can provide an in-depth understanding of how the Central Nervous System (CNS) controls many muscles to perform a specific motor task or an athletic gesture. This tool can be used to evaluate motor skill competency and inter-muscular coordination of athletes with different levels of expertise, before/after specific training programs, or to obtain motor biomarkers for injury and re-injury prevention, and the assessment of Return-To-Sport (RTS).
Extraction of muscle synergies in spor: applications to the evaluation of chronic ankle instability (Ghislieri M., POLITO)
An athletic gesture is achieved by controlling the recruitment levels and excitation timings of a specific set of muscles. Recently, muscle synergies emerged as a valuable tool to provide an in-depth understanding on the modular organization of the central nervous system during movements. This talk will describe an innovative use of sEMG signals for the extraction of muscle synergies applied to the evaluation of chronic ankle instability.
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