Talks and Hands-on sessions
Cardiovascular self monitoring in sport (Sbrollini A., UNIVPM)
Nowadays, athletes self-monitor their routinely activity by using wearable and portable devices, which are able to continuously record cardiac signals. This practice may be an innovative form of heart monitoring during sport activities, but need to be supported by specifically-designed applications and/or software. The lecture will present the recent techniques to integrate the cardiac signal processing technique in standalone application and software, with the aim to support the interpretation of cardiac signals during sport. Finally, two practical examples (CaRiSMA and Sport?Sicuro!) will be presented.
Respiration in extreme environments (Bondi D., UdA)
Extreme environments challenge human survival, thereby activating integrated physiological responses to ensure the adaptation of the human body. The respiratory system is certainly at the forefront of these networked adaptations. This speech will unfold through the main adaptations of the respiratory system during exposure to harsh environmental conditions, providing perspectives for intervention and development for bioengineering.
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