Open position for research fellowship at DEI-UNIPD
assegno di ricerca // Bioengineering
12.11 2021
A research fellowship is available at the Department of Information Engineering of University of Padova. The fellow will work under my supervision within a multidisciplinary research project focused on developing a cell-level system pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling approach to characterize drug response in multiple myeloma cells.
The fellow will focus her/his activity on modeling drug PK/PD and related caspases pathway activation.
Application deadline: 24/11/2021
Best regards,
Roberto Visentin
Via Gradenigo 6/b
35131 – Padova – Italy
Call type: assegno di ricerca
Call field: Bioengineering
Call closing date: 24.11.2021
Website: https://www.dei.unipd.it/node/35628